Middle School Opportunities
In addition to core curriculum and retreats, we offer additional enrichment opportunities for our 6th-8th grade students. These extracurricular programs provide social, creative, athletic, and environmentally conscious ways for students to get involved in and out of the school day. We invite all of our middle school students to participate.
Green Team
The Green Team promotes sustainability in class, around the school, and in the community. We love to teach about and service God’s Creation. The team also maintains the MAP garden on campus and they have led lessons to younger grades about sustainability, climate change, and biology. This program is directed by Elee McCarthy.
The Yearbook Committee is made up of 7th and 8th grade volunteers. They meet once a week throughout the school year and are responsible for taking pictures as well as organizing the information and creating the layout. The students work together to capture the highlights and create a lasting memory of the school year. The Yearbook Coordinator is Mrs. Caballero.
Ski Bus
![ski bus](https://3.files.edl.io/895e/20/11/11/165848-e5a85ced-4450-40d7-84e7-210bcd5cf864.jpg)
The Ski Bus is organized by parent volunteers and transports students and chaperones to the Alpental ski area on Friday evenings in January and February. Upon arriving at Alpental, students collect their gear, meet up with their lesson group, and head off to learn and have fun. Buses depart school promptly 3:30pm and return around 10:30pm.
Junior Thespians
![Junior Thespians](https://3.files.edl.io/a8c0/22/04/08/222154-ffa757a9-d83c-47f2-bb60-9308260aa28e.jpg)
The Junior Thespians are part of the International Thespian Society. It is a subset to our theatre arts program and members are inducted and registered with the Educational Theatre Association. In 2017, ASB launched the first Junior Thespian Troupe. Our troupe is currently 21 members strong, and we look forward to welcoming new members. The Troupe Director is Drama Teacher Ms. Olsen.
CYO Dances
![middle school](https://3.files.edl.io/33b2/20/11/11/171511-5f93dcbd-e6d7-4e94-8185-04d6cb86c8d7.jpg)
Our 7th and 8th grade students are invited to attend Deanery dances throughout the year. This is a great opportunity for students to socialize with their peers and meet other students who also attend parochial schools in the Seattle area. We proudly host one Deanery dance each year. The dance is chaperoned by teachers, staff, and administrators.