Scrip Fundraising Program
Scrip is a year-round fundraiser selling store gift cards. ASB proudly runs one of the largest scrip programs in the nation earning around $25,000 annually. Funds raised directly support our operating costs and teachers' salaries. This volunteer-led fundraising program supports the school at no extra cost to you. We purchase gift cards at a discount and then sell them to the ASB community at face value. We receive 2% – 20% on each card, depending on the retailer.
Standing monthly orders make up over 90% of scrip's annual revenue and are critical to the program's success. Simply print and complete the double-sided standing order form, note the cards you’d like to receive on a monthly basis, and include a VOIDED check from your checking account. Deductions are made on the 10th of each month. Check the Bulldog Bulletin for the exact date standing orders will go home each month. Free dress coupons for each child(ren) in your family are available for any new standing order greater than $200 per month, or any increase greater than $200 to existing standing orders.
We ask every family to support ASB by purchasing Scrip regularly. For questions and volunteer opportunities, please email [email protected].
Gift Cards
Some of the most popular Scrip are:
Grocery- Metropolitan Market, QFC, and Safeway
Shopping- Amazon, Gap, and Nordstrom
Dinning- Ridge Pizza, Varlamos, and Red Robin
Coffee- Cafe Javasti, Top Pot, and Starbucks
We have the ability to order Scrip from a variety of national vendors, please see Raise Right for more information.
Special Orders
Special orders are also a great way to support our school. Does your company need a large amount of small denomination gift cards? Are you working on a special project at home – updating appliances, new furniture, painting? There are many gift card options available with Scrip, and we’d love to help you! For a complete list of vendors, visit: – click under the SHOP button and browse from there. Please email [email protected] with your special order.