
One of our greatest blessings is our engaged parent community who make our children’s educational experience as rich as possible. Parental involvement, whether it be volunteering in the classroom, providing administrative support, or lending special expertise, is essential to the strength of our community and each child’s educational journey.

Each family commits a minimum of 35 total volunteer hours (17.5 hours for single parent and preschool families) to the school and/or the parishes. Parents, students, other relatives, friends, and neighbors may contribute the hours. There are many varied and rewarding service opportunities for you to help. You can find a calling that matches your skills, the level of commitment you can make, and your schedule. Volunteering with all school-based activities and clubs, including CYO sports, qualify as volunteer hours, as do any volunteer hours completed at either St. Bridget and Assumption parishes. Volunteering with organizations outside of ASB, even those with participating ASB students, do not qualify. Parents may sign up during the school registration process in the spring, at back-to-school sign-ups in the fall, and on an as-needed basis throughout the year.

Current volunteer needs are published each week in the Bulldog Bulletin in the Volunteering section. For questions, please email [email protected].

Volunteer Requirements

Please note that the Archdiocese of Seattle requires all school volunteers attend a Safe Environment training class through VIRTUS.  Volunteers are required to register and monitor their own compliance through the VIRTUS program.
Volunteers should check-in with front office with the completed volunteer emergency form and work agreement upon arrival.  See below for the form and email to [email protected] or bring a hard copy.

Recording Volunteer Hours

Parents are required to log their volunteer hours in the FACTS Family Portal. Please follow the directions below:

  1. Sign in to FACTS and use District Code ASB-WA
  2. Click on “Family” from the left tabs
  3. Select the family member who volunteered from the drop down name list located at the top/center of the page
  4. Select “Add” to the right of Service Hours
  5. Enter the date, hours, and volunteer description.
  6. Click "Save."